This is your one stop shop for information regarding the class you are currently enrolled in. Forget when class begins? Can’t remember if your class skips a certain day? Where and when is your class showcase? Got a question about policies? Anything and everything is on this page for you to peruse. If you still have a question you can reach out to us at


Below are all the courses happening in the current session. Please note that the dates listed on the classes below will list the next date the class meets. if the class is over, it will list the date of the final class. If you are enrolled in a class that begins sometime in the future, look at our classes page for information on classes currently enrolling.


It’s a holiday – do we have class today? There’s extreme weather expected or, worse yet, is upon us – do we have class today? There’s a newly discovered Asteroid headed our way – do we have class today? This is where you will find those answers.


There are no changes to the class schedule at this time.



Below are a bunch of frequently asked questions we receive for prospective students as well as current students. If you have a question that you do not see addressed here you can email us at and we will help you out.

Crossroads Indy does not have its own home just yet. We are brand new to the area and are taking our time so people get to know us and so we can get to know the community.

In person Crossroads classes are currently held at Union Indy at 525 S Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46225 (map). Union Indy is a coworking space in beautiful downtown Indianapolis. As we are downtown, we do recommend students keep this in mind and leave enough time to find parking to make it to class on time.

Our online classes are held through the magic of the internet via Zoom. These classes currently include options in Comedy Writing and Stand-up with more to come.

Crossroads Indy currently offers classes in Improv including classes for beginners and more advanced improvisers. We also have classes in Comedy Writing including Sketch Comedy Writing, Intro to Comedy Writing for Stage, TV, and Film, and Intro to Pilot Writing. The Comedy Writing courses are through our buddy Rich Talarico who has written for SNL, the Tonight Show, Key & Peele, and more.

We plan on adding our Stand-up Program to Crossroads Indy soon. Acting, Clowning, Musical Improv, and more will follow in time.

This really depends on what you are looking to do. As we say throughout our site, the lessons learned in our courses go beyond the stage and the page to improve and influence your everyday life and work. If you are looking to think faster on your feet, learn to be more adaptable and be open to collaboration, improve your listening and communication skills, and/or improve confidence in front of groups in a course with no real homework - then we suggest our Improv 1 course.

If you are looking to do some writing and explore your creative side and how funny you really are - then Comedy Writing or stand-up is the way to go. Both of these options do have some light homework attached, but that's how you get better!

Our main ticketing partner, Fourth Wall Tickets, accepts most major credit cards. We have expanded options via invoice including Cash App, Apple Pay, ACH Transfer, Crossroads Gift Cards, and AfterPay available via invoice. If needed we can also accept checks or bags of cash with dollar signs on them.

Yes we do! Our main payment plan option is AfterPay. AfterPay allows students to play now and pay later. Enrollment is split into four equal, interest-free payments over six weeks. In some cases, a longer period with interest is permitted, though we have no say  on that. To enroll using AfterPay look on the class description page for the "Click Here To Enroll Using Afterpay" link. If you have issues finding it or it is somehow missing, email us at and we'll take care of you.

You can skip Improv 1 at Crossroads Indy if you have taken courses through another reputable training location (Crossroads Philly, ComedySportz, The Second City, iO Chicago, The Annoyance, etc). In some cases, courses you have taken in college can also count. If you are unsure, email your question to, detail your experience, and we will let you know where you can start in our program.

We do allow students to enroll that may have to miss a class or two for any reason. It's no replacement for actually being in class, but we do offer a recap of the class along with brief  takeaways for the week. See our attendance policy in the next question.

Enrolled students are permitted to miss up to two classes during an 8 week class or 1 class during a 6 week course without the absences themselves impacting future enrollment opportunities. Missing more than than the permitted number of times could result in failing the course and could result in removal from the class performance and the need to repeat the course successfully. 

Oh no! We're sorry to see that you'll be missing out on all the fun and lessons of this course you were looking so forward to taking. A refund is available to students that withdraw at least seven days from the first class date. During the seven days leading up to class we offer a credit for a future course. After the start of class no refunds or credits will be offered. To request a refund or credit that is inline with this policy please email

Once a class has begun no refunds or credits will be available.

If we cancel a class for any reason, you will be given the option of getting a credit for a future class or receiving a refund to your original form of payment. Refunds can take anywhere from 3-10 business days to receive.

We will be having auditions at some point, but there is no timeline just yet. We are brand new to Indianapolis and it will take some time for people to get to know us as for us to get to know the people of Indy. We hope that some of the people that take our classes are looking to perform as well and we will cast our shows from that pool.

A refund is available to students that withdraw at least seven days from the first class date. During the seven days leading up to class we offer a credit for a future course. After the start of class no refunds or credits will be offered. To request a refund or credit that is inline with this policy please email

Policy updated May 2023.

Our improv courses include an optional performance at the end of the course. These performances are with our theater partner, Red Curb Comedy in Avon. That is all we have right now. We are working to build up a base of strong performers before we start doing shows on our own. Red Curb Comedy occasionally has auditions and as a Crossroads student we will make sure you are prepared. There are also auditions for other teams and shows throughout the city.

You can email any questions to us at You can also call/text us at 317-203-9452.

We do not allow anyone to audit any of our classes, however; we do offer periodic intro classes in improv, stand-up, and comedy writing that you can register for. There are no auditing opportunities for classes beyond the intro level.

We know it happens. A friends comes to town and you are faced with a choice: Miss the class you love so much or leave your friend at your house to root through all your personal stuff. Unfortunately, it's a choice you have to make. We do not allow anyone that is not enrolled in our classes to attend. This is a company wide policy and not something that is up to an individual instructor.


Below are a bunch of frequently asked questions we receive for prospective students as well as current students. If you have a question that you do not see addressed here you can email us at and we will help you out.