Crossroads is committed to making our classrooms and our stage as inclusive and as accessible as possible. We do not want money to get in the way of the fun and benefits our classes offer and Crossroads is committed to providing a way in for every income level. We recognize that there is much more that we can do beyond the financials, and we promise that as we grow, these efforts will grow and expand with us. Please see below for the various levels of support Crossroads may be able to offer you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at or call/text at (317) 203-9497.

Crossroads Comedy Theater is now at nonprofit 501c3 organization! We received our letter of determination of tax exempt status in June of 2024. We believe this formation more closely aligns with our community-minded goals as an arts and arts education organization. Until our transition is complete, we are fiscally sponsored through Fractured Atlas and are accepting donations to help cover the costs of our scholarship program and other ongoing operational expenses. To read more about this and to donate, you can click here.


If you are experiencing financial difficulty for any reason you may be eligible for assistance paying for your class at Crossroads. Crossroads offers financial aid amounts covering 25% to 100% of the cost of our courses. Once you apply and if you are awarded an amount you will be informed via email. We will then take care of the process of enrolling you. There will be no exchange of money nor is there anything for you to pay back. These benefits currently apply to only core program courses in Improv, Comedy Writing, and Stand-up. Applications for financial aid are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.




People 18 years of age or over that are interested in taking a course that believe they will have difficulty making the full payment, regardless of identity.

Scholarship and Financial Aid Applications are accepted from the time courses are posted roughly two months prior to the start of a session and remain open up until about two weeks before the first class.

Only the small reviewing team will see the information you provide. Any information you provide on your application will be kept confidential. Your instructor will not see your information nor will they know you're a financial aid recipient unless you volunteer this information yourself. We take your trust and this responsibility very seriously.

Financial Aid covers anywhere from 25% to 100% of the cost of a core program course. For 2024 we are committing to at least $2500 in Scholarships and Financial Aid. Depending on grants, donations and the interest of students this total amount could rise.

At this time financial aid is open to any course in our core improv, sketch comedy writing, or stand-up comedy programs. More courses such as electives, workshops, or master classes from visiting instructors may be added down the line.

If the amount awarded is not not enough to cover your full enrollment and leaves a balance that is higher than you are financially able to pay, you will also be able to take advantage of other options including payment plans. Our payment plan can break up the balance into four payments over six weeks. If this accommodation is still not enough, you can reapply in another session and potentially receive more in aid. Crossroads offers volunteer opportunities as well. Volunteers earn $15/hr credit toward courses for each hour volunteered. Do you have a particular set of skills you think we could benefit from? We are open to discussing!

Yes! If you have a balance remaining after applying your financial aid we can set you up with our AfterPay payment plan. AfterPay offers students the ability to split the balance into four, interest free payments over six weeks. If you are a student in good standing and need something more tailored to your specific situation, we will work with you.

Though we understand that sometimes life gets in the way of plans, financial aid is currently use it or lose it for that session. You can always reapply for a session in which your plans are more stable.

If you are denied financial aid for any reason you can reapply in the following session. We also offer payment plans that can break up your enrollment into smaller chunks that many find easier to pay. Crossroads offers volunteer opportunities as well. Volunteers earn $15/hr credit toward courses for each hour volunteered.

You can email us at We will be able to assist you with any questions you may have. If your question is regarding your application status, please understand we are a very small team. It could take two weeks or more to review your application.


Crossroads Scholarships cover the full cost of a core class in Improv, Comedy Writing, and Stand-up. Applications are open to anyone that feels they will add to the diversity of voices in our classrooms, anyone that identifies as a member of a historically marginalized group, anyone that feels their community is underrepresented, veterans, people with disabilities, people in long term recovery, people that are 50 years of age or over, and part-time or full-time adult students working toward their GED, high school diploma, undergraduate degree, graduate degree, or vocational degree. Scholarship applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis.




Scholarships applications are open to anyone that feels they will add to the diversity of voices in our classrooms, anyone that identifies as a member of a historically marginalized group, anyone that feels their community is underrepresented, veterans, people with disabilities, people in long term recovery, people that are 50 years of age or over, immigrants, undocumented people, and part time / full time adult students working toward their GED, high school diploma, undergraduate degree, graduate degree, or vocational degree. At this time scholarships are only open to people 18 years of age or over.

Applications are open from the time courses are posted for a given session up until a few weeks before the courses are set to begin.

To apply all you need to do is read through all the information, fill out the form as thoroughly as you are willing, and agree to our policies in place (Code of Conduct, Attendance, etc). Your application will be received and reviewed by our team. This process could take up to one month depending on how soon courses are set to start and the availability of our team.

Only the reviewing team will see the information you provide. Any information you provide on your application will be confidential. Your instructor will not see your information nor will they know you're a scholarship recipient unless you volunteer this information yourself. We take your trust and this responsibility very seriously.

At this time, core programs in Improv, Sketch Comedy Writing, and Stand-up are included in the Crossroads Scholarship program. We may expand this to electives, workshops, or new core program tracks down the line.

Crossroads Scholarships cover 100% of the chosen course. For 2024 Crossroads is committing to at least $2500 in Scholarships and Financial Aid. Depending on grants, donations, and the interest of students this total amount could rise.

Crossroads Scholarships can be deferred for up to two sessions. If you have not used your scholarship for a class at that point you will forfeit your scholarship. You can always reapply when your are able to commit to a course.

If you are denied a scholarship for any reason you can reapply in the following session. We also offer payment plans that can break up your enrollment into smaller chunks that many find easier to pay. Crossroads offers volunteer opportunities as well. Volunteers earn $15/hr credit toward courses for each hour volunteered.

You can reach out to us at or call/text us at 317-203-9452. Please understand we are a very small team. It could take two weeks or more to review your application.


The main payment plan option at Crossroads is AfterPay. AfterPay will allow students to break up the cost of enrollment into four interest-free payments over six weeks. It only takes a minute to set up and doesn’t cost you anything more. You’ll see the payment amounts, dates they are due, and you’re all set. To use this option look in the class description for the payment plan information. Click the payment plan link.

We know that the AfterPay option won’t be the best fit for everyone. If you find that is the case for you then email us at and we can work on a plan that fits your situation.


Are you a student, teacher, or administrator looking for an activity that will not only be fun, but give you valuable skills that will help you in the classroom and in life? We got your back. As part of our ongoing effort to invest in the communities in which we operate and expand access by lowering economic barriers, we are now offering an EDU discount! This new discount is good for $100 off a regular priced, core class in improv, comedy writing, or stand-up.

Improv specifically is growing in popularity among educators all over. Crossroads has trained a lot of teachers and several of our instructors are educators themselves. Our classes will help strengthen your listening skills, build your confidence, increase your ability to think faster on your feet, and so much more. Plus, you’ll get some fun exercises you can play in class with your students. Universities across the country are now including improv classes targeted toward Educators too. No need to take out student loans to study with us!

To take advantage of this discount you would email us at from your valid EDU email address to request this discount, let us know which class you’d like to take, and we will invoice you at the EDU price. If you’d like to use a payment plan for the balance, please include that info as well. It’s as easy as that! This discount is valid for one core class per session per person.

If you are part of an education organization that does not use EDU emails, you can reach out to to inquire if your situation qualifies for our EDU discount and if so, we will take care of you!


If there are multiple courses in which you are interested in enrolling in the same session, why choose just one? Take them all and save some money doing so! We can offer a discount of up to 20% off the regular price of classes when enrolling in multiple courses occurring in the same session. To inquire about this discount, please email and let us know which courses you are interested in and we will get back to you with bundle discount price. You can also use our payment plan to then pay for the enrollment. Class bundle discount cannot be combined with any early enrollment discounts offered at the time of enrollment.


Students who have successfully completed one of our core program classes in Improv, Musical Improv, Stand-up, or Sketch Comedy Writing can re-take the class at half of the regular price of the course. Some of the reasons people re-take classes include: Taking the course with a new instructor for an added perspective, they’re feeling out of practice and want to revisit various concepts, they want to meet some new people, curriculum has been updated, and more. To request the double dip discount please email to request. Include the class you took to qualify you for the the discount and include the class you would like to take. We will send you an invoice for the discounted class tuition. If you have not finished a course for any reason this discount would not be applicable to you.


This is not exactly student aid, but we’re including it here for your reference. We have a referral program! Crossroads is small and thrives on word of mouth. Specifically kind words out of your mouth to people you know. If you refer someone who enrolls in one of our core basics classes (classes with a 1 in them) you will both receive a $25 Crossroads Gift Card good for upcoming Crossroads classes and performances! Once they enroll they would send us an email, CCing you on the email, saying you referred them and then we’ll handle the rest after the course has started. Do you have a platform on which you can help advertise our classes to a larger number of people such as a large social media following or co-host a morning show on national television? Email to discuss other possibilities.


Do you have a particular set of skills? Skills that you have acquired over a long career that you feel we can benefit from? Let us know! Some areas can include video editing, graphic design, social media, marketing, and more. When we have live performances in the Indianapolis area we will likely have more opportunities for things such as ushering, box office, and more. If you have services you think we can benefit from in exchange for training with Crossroads, please email